Zero to hero: building custom Gutenberg blocks with ACF

Date: Saturday, July 27, 2019
Time: 11:00 - 11:45 am (PDT) (UTC-07:00)
Location: Room 3: Trail Room
Format: General Lecture Session

Session description

Already using Advanced Custom Fields? Are you curious about building your own Gutenberg blocks? This session is for you. I will show you the step by process of creating custom Gutenberg blocks using Advanced Custom Fields from start to finish. The session does involve some PHP code, but is tailored to front-end developers. The template-centric approach allows you to get started with custom Gutenberg blocks using everything you already know about WordPress.

Gutenberg blocks open up new possibilities for content managers and knowing how to build your own will make you a Gutenberg Ninja in no time. Join me for this deep dive into Gutenberg and how custom blocks can unlock new content possibilities for your organization.


Nathan Wallace

Headshot of Nathan Wallace
Associate Director of Web Development, Georgetown

At Georgetown University Nathan oversaw the development and maintenance of websites and related technologies for the Office of Advancement. He has been building WordPress solutions for e-commerce, government, non-profit, and higher-ed sectors for the past 10 years. Nathan believes in making design standards and ADA compliance a priority at his organization and works closely with UX, Design, and Communication teams to make this possible. Nathan is currently WordPress Team Lead at the US Mint in Washington, DC.


  • General Lecture Session: Zero to hero: building custom Gutenberg blocks with ACF

Session video

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