An introduction to information security and why you should care

Date: Friday, July 26, 2019
Time: 10:06 - 10:15 am (PDT) (UTC-07:00)
Location: AF Chapel
Format: Lightning Talk

Session description

By 2017, 7 billion sets of credentials had been leaked. Through 2018 and now into 2019, we're nearing 9 billion sets. Everyone, regardless of their job or role is affected. Those of us in Higher Education are at a distinct risk because we're of particular interest due to the number of high-valued assets we posses.  In this talk, I will (quickly) introduce participants to core security principles and how they apply to our work in higher education, and how they can use these principles to not only protect our Higher Education assets, but how they can use these concepts in their personal lives to better protect themselves online.


Paul Gilzow

Headshot of Paul Gilzow
Programmer/Analyst-Principal, University of Missouri

Programmer/Analyst-Principal at the University of Missouri. Web application security and accessibility evangelist. Software instructor. Conference lecturer and presenter. Runs on passion and coffee.


  • Lightning Talk: An introduction to information security and why you should care

Session video

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