5 people you should know on your campus

Date: Friday, July 26, 2019
Time: 9:42 - 9:54 am (PDT) (UTC-07:00)
Location: AF Chapel
Format: Lightning Talk

Session description

In a campus community of thousands (or tens of thousands!), there are lots of people you don’t know. But some of them do work that overlaps with your web projects in important ways, and they can provide you with valuable feedback.

In this lightning talk, we profile five people who are probably on your campus right now—but who probably aren’t a part of your web team. We will briefly discuss their roles at your institution and how your web projects impact their jobs. In addition, we will identify a few easy ways to involve them in your team’s processes.


Brian DeConinck

Headshot of Brian DeConinck
Front-End Designer & Developer, NC State University

Brian DeConinck is a Chicago-based front-end designer and developer with NC State University’s Office of Information Technology. He is committed to inclusive design principles and empathy for the users he supports.


Session video

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